Category Archives: Maine Food
Radish Toast, Two Ways
Perhaps radishes are hearty enough for mediocre gardeners like myself. Perhaps my kids and I just got lucky. But whatever it was, a special moment occurred late last week when we dropped by the community garden to check on our plot. From the spot where we parked, we could see how the tomatoes plants had grown, reaching […]
Rhubarb White Chocolate Muffins
My daughter and I crouched on our porch Monday, our hands covered in gloves. She loosened plants from their trays while I dug in the soil. Potting soil splattered around us, nature’s confetti decorating our small porch. Soon snap dragons and pansies and a creeping little white flower filled the pot. In seasons past, we’ve dedicated […]
German-Style Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Lovage
Slow Cooker Pulled Barbecue Chicken on Sweet Potatoes
My grandmother’s French dressing
Longtime readers will remember Mildred Brown Schrumpf, the voice behind the Brownie’s Kitchen column that ran in the Bangor Daily News for just shy of 43 years. The final column appeared on April 4, 1994. But to me, Brownie’s Kitchen and Schrumpf are a relatively new discovery. I’d heard tidbits about her in relation to Bangor […]
On the harvest that wasn’t (Cranberry Quick Bread)
I dutifully spread spent coffee grounds in the five pots outside my backdoor all summer. The grounds, I’d read, would aid with the plant’s growth by releasing nitrogen and other minerals into the soil. My few plants — four sungold tomatoes, a pepper plant and a cucumber plant, along with a few herbs — would […]
Balsamic Roasted Beet Quinoa Salad
It’s a rare weekend that I miss going to any farmers markets. It’s a priority for me, since most of what we eat comes from there. But with the University of Maine holding its homecoming on an already time-pressed Saturday (Soccer games! Book festival! Date night!), I didn’t make it to Orono for the market […]
Farmers Market Meets Takeout Favorite: Beet Fried Rice Recipe
Farmers market meets favorite takeout in this recipe for Vegan Beet Fried Rice. It’s perfect for beet lovers. Last year, in the springtime, I had a conversation with a friend that went something like this: “I only eat fried rice if I make it. I never order it out.” Then I met BDN writer Kathleen […]
Oil and Vinegar Coleslaw Recipe
Hot dogs with crispy, perhaps even slightly charred, skin. The rich aroma of juicy burgers cooking on the grill. The sizzle of sausages cooking. These are among the textures, smells and sounds of summer barbecues. This past weekend, they were aplenty. As I walked down a road in Southwest Harbor, I caught the pleasant whiff of grills […]