Category Archives: Cooking Tips
Brussels sprouts grow on stalks and are delightful roasted
The thick stalk is encircled with the green, tightly leafed Brussels sprouts. Dozens of them grow from it, from the crowded top to the more spacious bottom end, where the stalk was whacked away from its roots. How Brussels sprouts grow is something that’s long fascinated me. Who first wandered by a stalk and thought […]
Honey Cinnamon Applesauce
Little cups have taken up residence on surfaces around my kitchen. They are of different sizes and shapes, but bear a few striking resemblances: Each cup has plastic wrap tightly fitted on the top, secured with a rubber band saved from my morning newspaper delivery. Each one has little holes pricked in the top with […]
What to Do with Strawberries This Season
When Treworgy Family Orchard in Levant posted on Facebook Saturday afternoon that they had a great opening day for strawberry season (they’ll be reopening for picking this weekend), I couldn’t help but get a little excited. Strawberries have been my very favorite fruit since childhood — the one I most look forward to, and relish […]
5 Flavorful Whole Grain Swaps
When Wonder Bread was “just a little slice of America,” and pasta was just … pasta, whole grains were something left to the crunchiest of folks with a penchant for patchouli. But these days, we care more about the nutrition and science of how whole grains treat our bodies better than their refined counterparts. According […]
Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Recently, I finished listening to a food memoir. “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle,” by Barbara Kingsolver is a look at how one family (Kingsolver’s family, that is) made a commitment to eat only local food (with a few small exceptions) for one year. Much of their food they grew themselves, but what they couldn’t grow they bought from […]